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In October 2004, the Heirloom Research Project culminated in the publication of a reference book, HEIRLOOM EGYPTIAN ARABIAN HORSES, 1840-2000 by John W. Fippen.

This book presents a comprehensive study of the history, provenance, and current status of all Heirloom horses documented between 1840 and 2000. Detailed entries for 3,005 horses are catalogued. Family lineages within the living herd are portrayed on complete strain and sire line charts. Over 400 archival black/white photographs illustrate the text. Footnotes and an extensive bibliography provide source references.

A rich resource for students and horse breeders, this limited edition, hardcover book contains 592 pages packed with factual information.


Price: $45 US, $95 International, includes shipping.
To purchase, please send your check and your name and mailing address to:
Cheryl Fippen 1726 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA 94703
(Telephone 510-508-1792; email clfippen@gmail.com)

View excerpts and samples (in pdf format) from

Heirloom Egyptian Arabian Horses, 1840-2000

Table of Contents

A Desert-Born Legend

Overview of the Heirloom Index

Heirloom Index (sample: page 1 of 73)

The Hadban Family (sample strain chart)

The Zobeyni Sire Line (sample: page 1 of 5)

Sheradu Index (sample: page 1 of 48)



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